Archbishop Dr. Ezekiel H. Guti is the founder of Forward in Faith Ministries International, one of the largest and fastest growing churches which has spread to over 145 nations and states. A gifted evangelist, a veteran pastor, and renowned prophet with unmistakable marks of apostleship, Dr. Guti is a humble servant of God, and has distinguished himself as a leading personality in the Pentecostal world.
In 2010, ZAOGA FIFMI celebrated its 50th anniversary, where Apostle Dr. EH Guti addresses a crowd of over 50,000 believers in Zimbabwe at the national sports stadium in Harare. The event was historical, and was broadcast live on Ezekiel TV, a Christian television network broadcasting from South Africa, found by Apostles Dr. Ezekiel and Eunor Guti.
Having traveled the world preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ followed by miracles and signs, Dr. Guti continues to minister wisdom and demonstration of the power of God worldwide. Academic credentials include BA;MA;DD;D.Min and a Ph.D in religion. He holds a Bachelor of Christian Education and a Doctorate from Northgate Graduate School and Zoe College U.S.A.
Dr. Guti has founded Bible schools in Zimbabwe, Ghana, Zambia, and Mozambique where he has trained over 4,000 pastors from more than 55 nations. He also founded the Forward in Faith Orphanage Center, F.I.F Children's Ministry, F.I.F College and High School Ministry, Gracious Women's Fellowship International, along with the Husband's Agape International Fellowship. He oversees over five thousand pastors and evangelists worldwide and is a great intercessor, a man of love and compassion, with a hunger to win souls to Jesus Christ.